小任班长 发布的文章

“推必达”是中国信息通信研究院联合国内运营商推出的基于信令的全新推送技术方案。其相比各应用常驻后台通过长连接方式的推送在技术架构上有显著优势。具体如图 1 所示。


其相比传统的基于数据长连接的推送方案(如苹果的 APNS,谷歌的 FCM),“推必达”服务可以在 0 待机功耗、0 待机流量甚至无数据网络的情况下,保证消息的高可靠到达。相关技术标准提案文稿已通过国际电信联盟 ITU-D SG2 会议审议通过。


联盟开放测试的 “推必达”技术,其从概念提出、标准制定、技术验证全部由我国企业完成,享有完全的知识产权,是当前 APNS/GMS 推送服务的升级版。

其中,OPPO 发布的新机 Reno 5 搭载的 Color OS 将在支持统一推送技术标准的基础上,更进一步支持统一推送联盟旗下 “推必达”服务(系统消息版本 4.5.0 以上)。

OPPO 支持“推必达”后,将为用户的重要信息传输提供更加可靠的通道,甚至实现消息在无数据网络的情况下的高效送达。

12.22下午,海信召开线上发布会,正式发布了海信 5G 阅读手机 A7。
海信 5G 阅读手机 A7 采用 6.7 英寸屏幕,拥有 300ppi。这款手机配备的侧边音量按键,也可作为翻页键使用。

1999 元,海信 5G 阅读手机 A7 正式发布:虎贲 T7510 芯片+4770mAh 电池,支持微信读书

配置方面,海信 5G 阅读手机 A7 搭载紫光展锐虎贲 T7510 5G 芯片,内置 4770mAh 电池,支持 18W 快充。

此外,海信 5G 阅读手机 A7 支持 NSA/SA 双模 5G,支持国内主流 5G 频段(N41/N78/N79),以及 5G 与 4G 无缝切换,同时采用全新 Wifi mimo 双天线技术,支持 5G 热点分享。

音效方面,海信 5G 阅读手机 A7 配备超线性扬声器,采用双音膜结构设计,搭配 HIFI 芯片 AK4377AECB。
海信 5G 阅读手机 A7 支持锁屏阅读功能,可在京东读书、掌阅、QQ 阅读、咪咕阅读、微信读书等特定阅读软件的阅读界面进行锁屏,锁屏界面将显示当前阅读内容,此时可通过双击屏幕、点按音量键进行翻页,或者按墨智键进行整屏翻页。

5G 阅读手机 A7 正式发布:虎贲 T7510 芯片+4770mAh 电池

这款手机新增闹钟锁屏样式,采用全新 UI,支持 500 + 图标定制与字体无级调节,还可长按墨智键并说话快速开启灵感速记便签并直接录音和转化为文字。

同时,海信 5G 阅读手机 A7 支持动态刷新模式、经典模式、黑夜背光模式与应用漂白等模式。

  • 动态模式:开启动态模式,智能判断当前界面是否为清晰模式,若上下滑动界面浏览时或开启输入法输入文字,此时自动切换至均衡模式刷新,滑动停止后自动切换回清晰模式,从而减少界面内容滑动或文字输入过程中频繁闪烁问题。
  • 经典模式:针对彩墨屏,开启经典模式,系统显示以黑白灰三色为主,秒变黑白水墨屏。
  • 应用漂白:开启应用漂白功能,应用页面背景将自动调整更白,文字自动调整更黑,提升黑白对比度。
  • 黑夜背光模式:优化当前黑夜模式,设置独立的调光区间,方便用户手动在该模式区间内调节,不会出现暗光下屏幕太亮晃眼的状况。

目前,海信 5G 阅读手机 A7 已上架电商平台开启预约,配备 6GB 内存与 128GB 机身存储,售价 1999 元。

At 12:37 on December 22, the first flight test of Long March 8, a new medium-sized carrier rocket developed by China, was successfully carried out at Wenchang space launch site in Hainan. The rocket flew normally and the test was successful. The successful first flight of Chang-8 rocket will fill the gap of China's 3-4.5-ton carrying capacity in sun synchronous orbit and lay a solid foundation for the development of China's reusable launch vehicle.

Long March 8 successfully fills

At 12:37 on the 22nd, with a loud noise, the Long March 8 carrier rocket made its first flight at Wenchang space launch site in Hainan, successfully sending five satellites into the scheduled orbit.

As a new generation of China's launch vehicle, the long march eight is about 50 meters long and takes off about 360 tons. The green liquid propellant is developed according to the modular combination idea, which fully absorbed the research results of the in service and new generation launch vehicles, and has good inheritance, advanced nature, adaptability and economy. Mu Yu, director of the overall design department of the first Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, introduced that the Long March 8 rocket is mainly used to launch the sun synchronous orbit (SSO) satellite, and takes into account the launch capacity of low earth orbit and geosynchronous transfer orbit. It will fill the gap of China's 3-4.5-ton carrying capacity in sun synchronous orbit, which is of great significance for accelerating the upgrading and upgrading of launch vehicles. "Through the minimum cost: the development cycle is very short, and the formal project development (has) for two or three years, we can form combat effectiveness. It is equivalent to the improvement of our carrying capacity in the sun synchronous orbit, and it can make up for some gaps in our previous orbit (capacity), and also carry out the non-toxic and pollution-free update of the power system.

Of course, the launch of new launch vehicles is bound to be accompanied by some risks and challenges. On the eve of the test launch, the launch mission originally planned to be carried out on the 20th was delayed due to environmental factors such as high-altitude wind. The reporter learned that due to the compact structure and light weight of the new launch vehicle, the flight attitude has very high requirements for the protection of high-altitude wind environment. Pan Hao, chief designer of the Long March 8 rocket control system of the first Academy of China Aerospace Science and technology group, further explained, "because of the typhoon's transit, its method is to identify and control (the mode). That is to say, the wind must blow first. I feel the wind coming, and then I will produce corresponding actions to offset such a way. But when the wind is really very strong and fast, the rocket has no time (reaction) and can't react. Because unlike other small aircraft, the arrow is more sensitive. The rocket is bigger, it moves more slowly. When the wind changes faster than the rocket, it is impossible to make a very timely and effective response.

It is understood that the Long March 8 launch vehicle is China's first commercial launch vehicle approved by the state. While carrying out low-cost electrical and structural design, it may be reusable in the future through vertical takeoff and landing research. Mu Yu said, "in the future, the Long March 8 will be further optimized for commercial launch, including the optimization of technical solutions, so that its launch cost will be lower. We will also try to carry out the verification and exploration of reuse technology, further reduce the cost and threshold of our access to space, making it possible for us to launch a large number of missions. "

Compared with the past, the engine throttling technology has been adopted for the first time in the Long March 8 launch vehicle, which aims to optimize the rocket's carrying capacity to the greatest extent and lay a foundation for the recovery of the following core stage engines.

It is reported that this mission is the 356th launch of the long march series launch vehicles.


Comparator<VO> bya = Comparator.comparing(VO::getAppId).reversed();//按照a升序
Comparator<VO> byb = Comparator.comparing(VO::getNum).reversed();//按照b降序


Collections.sort(resultlist,(a, b)->b.getNum().compareTo(a.getNum()));

On December 16, Huawei launched the beta version of Hongmeng OS 2.0 mobile phone system as scheduled. P40 and mate 30 series can apply to participate in the test, mainly for developers.

At the press conference, Huawei displayed Huawei mobile phones that have upgraded Hongmeng OS to demonstrate the features of Hongmeng OS. From the experience point of view, this mobile phone is not different from the current emui developed by Huawei based on Android in terms of operation habits and interface design. In addition, Android apps can be freely downloaded and run in the built-in Huawei app store.

Hongmeng OS official version

According to sina science and technology report, a field staff member said that the demonstration machine is only to show the distributed ability based on Hongmeng OS. The official version of Hongmeng OS in the future will definitely have a new interface design on mobile phones.
Many developers and media participating in the December 16 harmonyos 2.0 mobile phone developer beta event said that there are many differences between Hongmeng OS and Android system from the perspective of Huawei's relevant technical experts and on-site display functions.

According to Wang Chenglu, President of Huawei's consumer business software, "over the past five years, Huawei's software team has basically replaced the core parts of Android system From the underlying driver to the abstract layer of hardware, to the programming framework above Huawei, etc. We have changed everything we can.

Wang Chenglu has repeatedly stressed that Hongmeng OS was born not to replace Android, but to surpass Android and build the next generation operating system in the era of Internet of things

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