标签 Britain announced to stop using 5G 下的文章

   On July 14, local time, the United Kingdom announced that it would stop using Huawei equipment in 5G construction. In response, Huawei UK spokesman Edward Brewster issued a statement responding that the decision was disappointing and bad news for all mobile phone users in the UK. Unfortunately, Huawei’s future development in the UK is politicized. This move stems from US trade policy, not security issues.

Huawei's response 5G construction

Huawei UK spokesman Edward Brewster data map, source: LBC News

  Huawei British spokesman Edward Brewster said:

   This decision is disappointing and is bad news for all mobile phone users in the UK. This may cause the UK to fall into the slow lane of digital development, increase consumer spending on communications, and deepen the digital divide. This move will not only "enhance" it, but it will reduce Britain's development level. We urge the government to reconsider this decision. We are confident that the new US regulatory measures will not affect the resilience and safety of the products we provide to the UK.

   Unfortunately, Huawei’s future development in the UK is politicized. This move stems from US trade policy, not security issues. Over the past 20 years, Huawei has focused on building better network connections in the UK. As a responsible enterprise, we will continue to support our customers as always.

   We will carefully examine the impact of today's (14th) statement on our future UK business and communicate with the UK government to clarify how we will continue to help the UK build better network connections.

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