标签 Python 3.8.0 stable 下的文章

Python 是一种面向对象的动态类型语言,最初被设计用于编写自动化脚本,随着版本的不断更新和语言新功能的添加,越来越多被用于独立的、大型项目的开发。Python 3.8.0 稳定版现已正式发布,带来了许多新特性和优化。


Python 3.8.0 稳定版的部分新特性:

PEP 572,赋值表达式
PEP 570,仅位置的参数
PEP 587,Python 初始化配置(改进嵌入)
PEP 590,Vectorcall:用于 CPython 的快速调用协议
PEP 578,运行时审核挂钩
PEP 574,带外数据的 Pickle 协议5
Typing 相关(Typing-related):PEP 591,PEP 586 和 PEP 589
调试版本与发行版本共享 ABI
typed_ast 被合并回 CPython
pickle 现在默认使用协议4,提高了性能

Python 3.8.0 is now available
On behalf of the Python development community and the Python 3.8 release team, I’m pleased to announce the availability of Python 3.8.0.

Python 3.8.0 is the newest feature release of the Python language, and it contains many new features and optimizations. You can find Python 3.8.0 here:

Most third-party distributors of Python should be making 3.8.0 packages available soon.

See the “What’s New in Python 3.8” document for more information about features included in the 3.8 series. Detailed information about all changes made in 3.8.0 can be found in its change log.

Maintenance releases for the 3.8 series will follow at regular bi-monthly intervals starting in December of 2019.

We hope you enjoy Python 3.8!
Thanks to all of the many volunteers who help make Python Development and these releases possible! Please consider supporting our efforts by volunteering yourself or through organization contributions to the Python Software Foundation:

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