标签 HarmonyOS 下的文章

近日,华为技术有限公司对外宣布,将于 6 月 2 日晚 8 时举行线上发布会,正式公布可以覆盖手机等移动终端的鸿蒙操作系统。

鸿蒙 OS 是华为的自有操作系统,在 2019 年 8 月举行的华为开发者大会上正式发布,英文名为 HarmonyOS。这也是继 2019 年发布鸿蒙操作系统后,该系统正式搭载到智能手机。


华为公司预计,到 2021 年底,搭载鸿蒙操作系统的设备数量将达 3 亿台,其中华为设备超过 2 亿台,面向第三方合作伙伴的各类终端设备数量超过 1 亿台。

此前,华为消费者业务软件部总裁、AI 与智慧全场景业务部部长王成录表示,华为手机从 6 月初开始将可以升级鸿蒙系统(消费者端)。

According to the news on July 8th, the data from Tianyan check shows that recently, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. has applied for multiple trademarks related to HarmonyOS, including HUAWEI HarmonyOS, HarmonyOS Connected, HarmonyOS Linked, etc. The current status is waiting for substantive review.

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. was established in September 1987 with a registered capital of approximately 40.308 billion yuan. The legal representative is Zhao Minglu. The company’s business scope includes general business projects: program-controlled switches, transmission equipment, data communication equipment, broadband multimedia equipment, power supplies, and wireless communications. Equipment, microelectronic products, software, system integration engineering, etc., are wholly-owned by Huawei Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., one of the latter’s shareholders is Ren Zhengfei.

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